There are free boxes of produce at the entrance of the Elementary building at the North campus. Please come by today and pick up a box. First come, first serve. Help yourself.
over 3 years ago, Desiree Matheson
JT Families: You should have your child's homeroom teacher reach out to you either Thursday or Friday regarding our virtual open house on Monday. We have been wanting to get more site and grade specific information out to you but have had some troubles with our communication system. Hopefully, we will have that fixed soon. Preparation continues to be made for our first day next Wednesday, August 26th.
over 3 years ago, Desiree Matheson
7th/8th Grade Families: If you have not already resubmitted your elective choices, please do so as soon a possible at the link that pertains to how you are starting school. For those starting virtually at home, your elective choice can be completed at For those starting school in-person/at-school, your elective choices can be completed at Thank you to those who have already submitted. It helps us to make the most accurate schedule possible.
over 3 years ago, Desiree Matheson
Softball Schedule
over 3 years ago, Desiree Matheson
Updated Football Practice Schedule
over 3 years ago, Desiree Matheson
Football schedule
7th/8th Grade Families: Because we have more elective options and some students are starting virtually, we are asking all 7th/8th grade students to resubmit their choices by Monday, August 17 at noon so we can begin making sections and creating schedules. You can view a video about this at For those starting virtually at home, your elective choice can be completed at For those starting school in-person/at-school, your elective choices can be completed at Thank you and have a good evening.
over 3 years ago, Ed Crum
JT School: This announcement is to let you know that the decision has been made in consultation with our school board to delay the start date of school one week to August 26th. This decision has not been made lightly and, it is still the district's goal to start the 2020-2021 school year with in-person instruction for those who choose. This decision comes with goal we always have of protecting our students, staff, and community while also providing the best educational experience possible. The new calendar will be posted soon. Please view the announcement from Superintendent Ed Crum at
over 3 years ago, Desiree Matheson
Revised School Calendar
over 3 years ago, Desiree Matheson
This announcement is to let you know that the decision has been made in consultation with our school board to delay the start date of school one week to August 26th. This decision has not been made lightly and, it is still the district’s goal to start the 2020-2021 school year with in-person instruction for those who choose. This decision comes with goal we always have of protecting our students, staff, and community while also providing the best educational experience possible. The new calendar will be posted soon. Please view the announcement from Superintendent Ed Crum at
over 3 years ago, Ed Crum
School Supply Opportunity from Tiawah Community Baptist Church: Does your student need help with school supplies? We can help you. Tiawah Community Baptist Church 24405 S. 4180 Rd. (1 block south of the south campus) Free distribution of supplies from 6pm-8pm on Wednesday August 12th. Also, Saturday, August 15th from 10am to 2pm. If you need supplies and cannot attend one of these days, please call 918-430-6540 and appointment can be made. We have most of the items on supply list and some items on teacher's wish list.
over 3 years ago, Ed Crum
Football practice schedule until school starts.
over 3 years ago, Desiree Matheson
Just a reminder that students entering kindergarden need to have all booster shots up-to-date, and those students entering 7th grade have to have a T-Dap shot before they can attend school. The Roger's County Health Department is having an Immunization Clinic on August 3rd from 3pm-7pm. You can call the health department at 918 341-3166 if you have questions.
almost 4 years ago, Ed Crum
Information on Back to School Immunization Clinic
almost 4 years ago, Desiree Matheson
Immunization clinic
Thank you to the many parents who have already indicated your child's back to school choice. If you have not yet, please complete by clicking this link by tomorrow.
almost 4 years ago, Ed Crum
Parents: Please fill our this short survey for each of your children by Tuesday, July 28 regarding your preference as to how you would like your child to start school this fall . Thank you for helping us continue to plan and prepare for this school year.
almost 4 years ago, Ed Crum
Because Dr. Hardage, who normally provides our physicals on campus at the beginning of the year, is being restricted from doing so, athletes will need to complete a physical through their primary care physician,Urgent Care, or call Dr. Hardage’s office directly. Dr. Hardage is doing it at a discount rate. Athletes must have a physical before they are able to practice. You can access the physical pages at . The physical form is two pages in length. One page should be completed by a parent or guardian, and the second page completed by the doctor administering the physical. Should you have any questions, please contact Coach Fraley ( ) or call the office.
almost 4 years ago, Ed Crum
If your child/children are going to play football this year, we are asking that you email Coach Fraley ( ) and provide athlete(s) name and grade. There will be a short parent meeting on July 30th in the Garroutte Gymnasium. 7th/8th grade parent meeting will be at 6pm, and the 5th/6th grade parent meeting will be at 7pm. If you have athletes in both, you only need to attend one. In order to be safe and limit numbers in the building, we are asking that only one parent attend, wear a mask, and social distance in the stands. We are looking begin practice on Tuesday, August 4th.
almost 4 years ago, Ed Crum
If your child/children are going to play softball this year, we are asking that you email Coach Denney ( ) and provide athlete(s) name and grade. There will be parent meeting at the first practice August 3rd at 6:30pm at the softball field at the south campus. Practices the first week will be from 6:30pm-8:30pm. Athletes cannot begin participating in practice until they have a physical.
almost 4 years ago, Ed Crum
Revised School Calendar for the 20-21 School Year
almost 4 years ago, Desiree Matheson
Justus-Tiawah Pandemic Response
almost 4 years ago, Desiree Matheson