While out shopping for the upcoming school year, keep the dress code in mind!
Justus-Tiawah School
Dress Code
While the mission of Justus-Tiawah School is to educate its students, there is a close relationship between high standards of dignity, pride, and proper grooming. It is important that dress contribute to the atmosphere of a good educational environment. It is the responsibility of the student and parent to adhere to these guidelines. Thank you for your cooperation in these efforts.
Attire for all students should be reasonable, modest, and in such style as will not cause distraction.
Midriffs, halters, and other similar attire are not considered appropriate for school and will not be permitted. This also includes net tops and muscle shirts. Sleeveless shirts must be at least 2” across the shoulders.
Students in PK-2nd grade are allowed to wear shorts that are appropriate as determined by the principal.
Students in 3rd-8th grades must wear shorts, dresses, or skirts that are longer than two inches beyond the tip of the longest finger with arms fully extended against the leg (no tears, cuts, or holes in garments above this point are acceptable).
Students in 3rd-8th grade may wear soffe jogging shorts (meeting requirement in 4 above) provided they are worn with tight/sliders underneath the shorts.
Dress properly for the weather. Listen to weather news to learn of clothing needs for the day.
School attire shall not consist of clothing with alcohol, tobacco, obscene, suggestive printing,
Wearing hat, caps, or head coverings inside the school building is not allowed.
Any form of dress or hairstyle which is considered contrary to good hygiene or which is distractive or disruptive in appearance or detrimental to the purpose or conduct of the school will not be permitted.
No bagging or sagging attire or chains.
No heelies are allowed on campus.
No shorts or pants with hole above the knee.
Leggings are not considered pants but may be worn with a long shirt that covers the posterior.